Here are your courses-examples. Inside every course’s page there’s a designated space for syllabus, literature and professors info. There is also a grade calculator, and an assignments page filtered by ‘course’ . They are synchronised with ‘space repetition log’ page and ‘academic calendar’.

Untitled Database


This is a space repetition log. It’s synchronised with ‘courses’ so u can plan your spaced repetition directly from there! It has a list and a calendar view, whichever you prefer :) This log is a special view of the ‘academic calendar’ database

<aside> <img src="/icons/bookmark_gray.svg" alt="/icons/bookmark_gray.svg" width="40px" />

Untitled Database



This is an academic calendar. If you prefer to see ‘spaced repetition log’ and ‘academic calendar’ in the same view, you can play around with filters - ‘spaced repetition log’ is just a view of the ‘academic calendar’ database :)

academic calendar